Welcome to my blog! I started this blog as a place to document my journey as a photographer. It's evolved over the last couple of years to include some random musings and a glimpse of what's going with me. If you have any feedback, comments or thoughts, please leave them! Just below you will find quick links to categories of my work. Enjoy!


A-slash | Seattle Photographer

Sometimes my darling husband calls my brother Adam, A-slash. Or maybe it's A/, I'm not entirely sure. My husband has a talent for creative nicknames. Whether you call him Adam, JAM or A/, he's always brother to me.

Brother has become one of my most treasured words over the past ten years. I'm fortunate to have two wonderful brothers. They would do just about anything for me and they know that it goes both ways! God knew better than to give me a sister growing up. He knew I'd need these brothers. They did an EXCELLENT job preparing me for my three brothers-in-law!

To commemorate Adam's 29th birthday, we went out and got a few shots of him in his "festive" (I think that's what he calls this) attire before his birthday celebration. I *finally* got to really try out the equipment I got for Christmas to get my flash OFF my camera! I doesn't belong there. ;) It belongs on a light stand! Or a monopod. Or in the hands of a trusty assistant. ;)


Desomniac said...

Let's go with A/. Yes, that'll do nicely.