Welcome to my blog! I started this blog as a place to document my journey as a photographer. It's evolved over the last couple of years to include some random musings and a glimpse of what's going with me. If you have any feedback, comments or thoughts, please leave them! Just below you will find quick links to categories of my work. Enjoy!


30 Days of Thankfulness | Days 3 & 4

I completely spaced on posting yesterday's thankfulness here. Oops. I was at youth last night (LOVE!), then cleaned my living room (boring but necessary) and then I started my "most recent" draft that's due tomorrow (that's early for me!)

Day 3: I am SO thankful and blessed to have the family I do. I love each one of them. I have the greatest (and most nuts) parents and brothers. I am so blessed! If you check out my about series you can learn more about them. :)

Day 4: I am so thankful for my education. It's not done yet, but I'm thankful for the first part (owe my dad for that!) and I've even started to appreciate the break and my return as a "non-traditional" student. :)

Until this quarter I'd never really understood what my degree was in. Yeah, yeah, I'm smart like that. My degree will be a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies. See, not so easy is it? My instructor defined it in our course reader/syllabus as - Liberal Studies is the interdisciplinary study of the arts and sciences, and endeavors to link intellectual development and citizenship in a way that cultivates humanity. YES! That is what my education has been. And I am so thankful for it.