Welcome to my blog! I started this blog as a place to document my journey as a photographer. It's evolved over the last couple of years to include some random musings and a glimpse of what's going with me. If you have any feedback, comments or thoughts, please leave them! Just below you will find quick links to categories of my work. Enjoy!


So I stopped in at Top Foods on my way home tonight...

To pick a few things - apples, bananas, green beans and some nuts from their bulk foods section. I parked right outside the door to the food court and thought, for sure, that it'd be open until at least 6pm. Well, when I went to check out a few minutes before 6pm, the checker was counting her till. Lame, so I went down to grab the frozen strawberries I forgot and then went through a regular checkstand. (I usually do the self check out at this particular store because it's a busy one!) Anyway, Jake called as I was putting my items on the belt, so asked him to hold on. I hate talking on the phone while I'm paying for things. It's so rude and annoying. Back to the story... I picked up my bag, started talking to Jake again and began walking toward the food court exit. I got there and found the door was locked. Also lame, but I went back through the front door. Jake and I were chatting about who knows what, when a guy comes up to me and says, "Excuse me" and shows me a badge of some kind. First I was like, um, who is this guy and why is he being creepy? Turns out, some lady accused me of shoplifting produce. What the heck?!?!?!? The ONE day I go through a regular checkstand is the day someone accuses me of shoplifiting? Ugh. So, I showed the guy my receipt and he called someone in the store and talked to them. I had one hand on my phone and one hand carrying my bag - how could I have shoplifted something???? It's just so rude to accuse innocent people of stuff like that. Jerk. And the security guy scared me at first because I was just putting the bag in my car and he came up behind me all strangely. Needless to say, I sure locked the doors of my car as soon as I got in it!


Desomniac said...

That's nonsense!!! You should send an angry letter to the manager. Just because some lady things you're shoplifting is no reason to harass you. A store employee should have to witness it.