Welcome to my blog! I started this blog as a place to document my journey as a photographer. It's evolved over the last couple of years to include some random musings and a glimpse of what's going with me. If you have any feedback, comments or thoughts, please leave them! Just below you will find quick links to categories of my work. Enjoy!


Holiday Recap Part 1

Yes it's February 5th and I'm *just* sharing holiday stuff. ;) What can I say? I'm behind. :P

We started off the holiday season with two Thanksgiving dinners, first at Jake's parents, then over to mine. I don't have any pics handy from the first event, it was pretty crazy though! I think there were close to 20 of us. Then we spent some time hanging out with my family... It was the first holiday in a LONG time that my parents got to have all of the kids (I have two brothers and three stepsisters) together at one time. It was a lot of fun. Here's the pic Jake captured with the timer on his camera -

The next holiday event I attended was my dear brother's annual Christmas party. It was a LOT of fun! Here I am with my Santa Adam :) -

Stay tuned for a few pictures from Christmas. :) Hopefully I'll get them up before Valentine's Day!